Crystals P-Z

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Phantom Quartz - Personal Growth, Transformation, Healing, Strength, Insight


Zodiac Sign:



Pink Amethyst - Emotional Regulation, Stress Relief, Quietude, Trust, Comfort

Pink Amethyst is a crystal of balance, healing, and comfort. The calming energy of this crystal helps with emotional balance and stress relief.

Chakra: Heart / Brow / Crown

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Pink Opal - Emotional Healing, Self Assurance, Acceptance, Individuality, Love, Joy (October Birthstone)

Pink Opal is a stone of love, gentleness, and kindness. This crystal helps to strengthen our connection to our inner self and gives us a sense of individuality.

Chakra: Heart

Zodiac Sign:

Planet: Earth

Element: Earth / Water

Birthstone: October

Pink Tourmaline - Positivity, Emotional Balance, Strength, Love, Passion for Living (October Birthstone)

Pink Tourmaline steadies the heart and allows the expression of feminine energies. It increases our self image and opens ourselves to friendship, love, and praise. Pink Tourmaline blocks against negativity and encourages compassion.

Chakra: Heart / Root

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Planet: Venus / Mars

Element: Water

Birthstone: October

Prehnite - Intuition, Healing, Flow, Expansion, Balance, Anxiety Relief, Love

Prehnite is a stone of unconditional love, peace, and protection. It is thought to enhance prophecy and guide you in the right direction for your spiritual growth.

Chakra: Heart

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Pyrite - Willpower, Protection, Negative Energy Shield, Vitality, Good Fortune

Pyrite is a crystal of willpower, protection, vitality, and good fortune. It is an excellent energy shield and will block out negative energy. Pyrite is a very positive stone and helps to overcome feelings of inadequacy and promotes your potential and flow of ideas. It is also thought to relieve anxiety and frustration by boosting self-worth and confidence. 

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Planet: Fire

Element: Mars

Rainbow Moonstone - Good Fortune, Protection, Mental Clarity, Enthusiasm, Receptivity

Rainbow Moonstone is a soothing stone that promotes a calming and relaxing energy. It is very effective in transformation and producing new opportunities.

Chakra: Sacral

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Red Jasper - Mood Stability, Comfort, Control, Anxiety Relief, Action, Opportunity

Red Jasper is of the Root Chakra. It is known as the stone of warriors and protects against all forms of attack and malevolence. Jasper brings optimism and helps keep you cheerful and focused on whatever the day throws at you!

Chakra: Root

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Rhodochrosite - Unconditional Love, Vulnerability, Grace, Lightheartedness


Zodiac Sign:



Rhodonite - Unconditional Love, Forgiveness, Emotional Healing, Romance, Bliss


Zodiac Sign:



Rose Quartz - Love, Happiness, Harmony, Compassion, Forgiveness, Understanding

Rose Quartz is of the Heart Chakra. It is known as the stone of universal love. This is a stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love and compassion. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing, and feelings of peace. Rose Quartz is lucky for those born under the sign of Taurus.

Chakra: Heart

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Ruby - Passion, Protection, Prosperity, Clear Mind, Vitality, Confidence, Determination (July Birthstone)

Ruby is a powerful stone of long-burning fire, whether in love or the desire to make positive changes. It is a great crystal to place in your home as it is known to guard and protect. Ruby also helps to release surpassed anger and negativity in a creative way. It is a crystal of passion, prosperity, confidence, and determination.

Chakra: Root / Sacral

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Birthstone: July

Rutilated Quartz - Clarity, Perspective, Healing Energy, Elevated Consciousness, Unity

Rutilated Quartz is a crystal of clarity, perspective, unity, elevated consciousness, and healing energy. It is thought to heighten the energetic energy of quartz and filters out negative energy. This crystal can facilitate in letting go of the past by reaching the root of problems and initiating a change of direction. Rutilated Quartz soothes dark moods and relieves fears, phobias, anxiety, and depression. It opens the aura to allow healing and forgiveness.

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Selenite - Personal Transformation, Light Energy, Honest Reflection, Spiritual Connection

Selenite brings clarity of mind, calmness, and a peaceful atmosphere. It is believed to be a powerful healer and is effective at clearing blockages and increasing positive energy. Selenite is said to bring protection and can be used to recharge you, your space, and your crystals.

Chakra: Brow / Sacral

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Planet: Moon

Element: Water

Snowflake Obsidian - Purity, Balance, Negative Energy Release, Positive Transformation

Snowflake Obsidian is known as the equivalent to yin and yang, representing the unity and balance of opposites. Snowflake Obsidian is thought to indicate new beginnings and provides hope after a setback. Snowflake Obsidian is a protection stone and also promotes good fortune and an energizing atmosphere.

Chakra: Crown / Root

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Smoky Quartz - Courage, Cleansing, Meditation, Grounding, Manifestation, Calm

Smoky Quartz is known as the guardian against all forms of bad luck. This stone is excellent to restore energy and optimism. It is also known to reduce anxiety, aid insomnia, and brings peaceful dreams by banishing nightmares and fears of the dark.

Chakra: Crown / Root

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Sodalite - Strength, Energy, Connection to Higher Self, Enlightenment, Confidence

Sodalite is a universal healing crystal and gives a sense of calm to weather the storms of life. Sodalite is known to promote peace, tranquility, and creative thinking. This stone is thought to combine your heart and your head, allowing you to speak and communicate from your heart, as well as ensure that you show up as the most authentic version of yourself. Sodalite is also known to have a stress-relieving effect that guides you to a calm state of mind when you feel nervous, worried, or tense.

Chakra: Throat and Brow

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Planet: Moon

Element: Water / Air

Spirit Quartz - Peace, Harmony, Love, Alignment, Protection

Spirit Quartz is a crystal of harmony, alignment, and protection. It is known to promote a peaceful environment by clearing out negative energy and filling the space with love!

Chakra: Crown

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Element: Earth

Sunstone - Vitality, Stress Relief, Energy Clearing, Sensuality, Creativity, Power

Sunstone is believed to have a piece of the sun and will bring sunshine into the home on cold, dark days or when there has been unhappiness. Sunstone is effective against depression, despair, anxiety, and fear. This stone will bring optimism that everything will turn out well.

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Planet: Sun

Tigers Eye - Physical Wellness, Protection, Grounding, Mindfulness, Balanced Energy

Tigers Eye is known as a crystal of happiness, health, courage, and fulfilment. Tigers Eye is a protective stone that helps you feel grounded and centered even among the chaos. This stone is also believed to be lucky and bring good fortune.

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire / Earth

Tourmalinated Quartz - Higher Consciousness, Balance, Negative Energy Clearing


Zodiac Sign:



Tree Agate - Connection to Nature, Gratitude, Healing, Fertility, Abundance

Tree Agate is considered the stone of abundance. This stone is known to strengthen connections with friendships and family. It can also lead to success and prosperity. “Go back to the roots of any problem or situation and you will find the answer.”

Chakra: Crown

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Planet: Mercury / Earth

Element: Air

White Quartz - Personal Growth, Honest Communication, Inner Wisdom, Harmony

White Quartz is a stone used for purifying negative energy. It promotes compassion, joy, growth, and wisdom.

Chakra: Sacral

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Planet: Moon

Element: Water